The Firehouse Tribune

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Bad Habits Good Firefighters

There’s a saying “bad habits kill good people” and sadly enough, it’s the truth. As humans we are creatures of habit and when in doubt or in times of uncertainty, we tend to go back to what we are comfortable with, right, wrong or indifferent. As we know and probably many have experienced including myself, reverting back to comfort zones could sometimes be an unsafe act.  An example of this is letting your guard down on what we call “routine calls” or “frequent flyers”. What we tend to do is not be as mentality prepared or physically equipped with the right tools should the situation take a turn in the wrong direction. This is due to the repetitive false alarm calls to the same location numerous times or various locations with no change and often times all too frequently.

In turn what does this do? This begins the creation of complacency and molding good firefighters into developing bad habits. Let’s break the habit.

  1. Keep it fresh. Start each day with a clean slate. What happened in the past is the past. Start fresh and learn from yesterday.

  2. Do not allow to be around those who sugarcoat your faults. Listen to those around you and determine what’s valuable and what can be discarded. 

  3. Enjoy the process instead of focusing on the outcome. Preparation is your key to success. How to prepare and how your train will get you to your outcome. However, your preparation and training should be focused on what you want your outcome to be.

  4. Continually learn and advance yourself and those you work with. This keeps the mind fresh and keeps the team building and morale at a plus. 

  5. Finally. Rest and recharge.

Habits good or bad can have long last effects on us and how we perform. Keep your days fresh with new ideas and don’t allow what we always done deter you from getting the job done. In the end, people call us at their most needed time and we need to be at our very best.

Until next time; work hard, stay safe & live inspired.