The Firehouse Tribune

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Outside the Box 360

Performing a 360 upon arrival of a residential structure fire is crucial. Everyone always hits on building construction, type of occupancy, number of floors, and visible fire or smoke.

Did you notice a vehicle in the driveway, indicating someone may be home?

Did you see that the vehicle has a handicap placard on the license plate, indicating the owner may have a disability of some sort?

You walk up to the front door and notice children’s toys in the yard. Do kids live here?

Remember to look at the roof, utility lines connecting the house, solar panels, and satellite dishes. All these things could cause a hazard for crews operating on the scene.

You may arrive on scene and find a lot of clutter in the yard, leading to you assuming there may be hoarding conditions in the residence. We often find ourselves in tunnel vision and not looking at smaller aspects of the scene.

We want to hear from our followers. What are you looking for when you arrive on the scene?

Until next time - work hard, stay safe & live inspired.