The Firehouse Tribune

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Building TRUST

When it’s time to get to work, it is imperative we can trust the crews inside to do their job and to make smart logical situational base thinking. We can begin this process through training with each other all the while learning each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Far too often firefighters tend to freelance or lose sight of their responsibilities due to their unwillingness to work with fellow firefighters. One reason for this is a lack of trust in their fellow firefighters but ultimately a lack of trust in themselves. Here are a few ways we can built that TRUST in our crews.

  1. The kitchen table sets the tone. Nothing builds camaraderie and getting to know each other than sitting around a table breaking bread. Understanding each other as individuals helps set the tone for understanding each other as fellow firefighters on a crew.

  2. Train WITH each other not AT each other. No matter the rank, experience level or responsibility, training with each other to learn your role and your fellow firefighters roles helps build strength and trust in each other which overtime develops trust and understanding. For days of short staffing, knowing and understanding others roles will play huge dividends in their absence.

  3. Share experiences but listen to each other’s experiences. It’s wonderful to share experiences but it’s another thing to listen to others experiences. By sharing and listening to each other, it helps build a common ground with the crew. As time goes, these experiences will develop into training scenarios and give each other a chance to show leadership and also demonstrate strengths and weaknesses.

  4. Treat each as equals. No one and absolutely no one is bigger or better than the crew and it’s integrity. Remember to always treat each other with respect as firefighters, individuals and that their role on the fire ground absolutely matters.

In the end nothing can replace trust if trust is broken. Trust is easy to break and very hard to put back together. Trust in yourself and trust in your crew leads to success. If nothing else, remember this one thing - fight and argue but when shit gets real they will be with you in the fight.

Until next time; work hard, stay safe & live inspired.