The Firehouse Tribune

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Importance of Proper Apparatus Positioning

As the old saying goes, "so goes the first lineā€¦so goes the rest of the fire"! With that being said, firefighters must remember this. How we position our apparatus is just as important as how we attack the fire, if not more important. It is imperative the engine company chauffeur and officer know the hose lengths on both the preconnects and static lays. The positioning of the engine is the first tactic done for a proper and strong initial fire attack. Same goes with the truck positioning. Proper positioning of the structure puts the truck at the best advantage for maximum scrub of the aerial for roof operations.

 Positioning an apparatus sounds simple but isn't as cookie cutter as one may think and oftentimes this small step could be misapplied on the fire ground. A miscalculation in the positioning of the apparatus may seem like a minor error in judgement but is also one that is almost impossible to fix and can make or break a scene. How we position our apparatus of any kind, is to do one thing - provide us with the BEST tactical advantage for fire ground operations.

When do we determine or decide where apparatus are positioned on the fire ground?

In short and for starters, during our pre-plan phase or as we could say, the pre-incident size-up. Yes, during this time we look at building construction, potential hazards, understanding interior space, stairwell locations and fire department connections but it is also the best time to consider apparatus placement or at least have an idea of where they will go based on the many factors of the structure.

Here's a few tips to keep in mind when determining apparatus positioning on the fire ground.

  • Apparatus positioning should be set up for your best tactical advantage on every call, not just fire.

  • Know the area you are responding to.

  • Listen to how other apparatus are responding in (direction to the scene) to avoid confusion when arriving.

  • Know your apparatus inside and out.

  • If you are the truck company, know the engine company role and their best position for the initial stretch

  • If you are the engine company, know the truck company role for their best position for aerial setup and maximum scrub. The FRONT of the build is ideal.  

  • Train on positioning parallel with your strategies and tactics training.

Keep these tips in mind and train on positioning the apparatus at every scene. Do not park them at the scene.

Until next time, work hard, stay safe & live inspired.